1. Is the Sphynx Breed Hypoallergenic?

The answer is: No. It's not the hair on a cat that causes allergies; rather it's Fel D1, a protein in the cat's saliva that causes allergies. When kitty grooms herself, the protein attaches to the cat's dander. So, there's no such thing as a hypoallergenic breed of cat. But if your allergies are mild and you would like to have a cat, you may have a few options:

  • Choose a female: Females tend to produce a lot less of the Fel D1 protein than males.
  • Get males neutered: If you prefer a male, neutered males make less Fel D1 than intact males.
  • Buy an allergy-friendly breed: Some breeds appear to produce less of the protein including the Cornish, Devon, Selkirk Rex, Sphynx, and Siberian.

Please be sure to visit a Sphynx in person if you can before purchasing one.  That way you'll be able to tell if your allergies can tolerate a Sphynx or not.

2. Is the Sphynx breed people-oriented?

Absolutely!  You'll often find a Sphynx, or two, or three curled up on a human lap any given time of the day.  Don't believe me?  Just take a look!
